5 Recent Medical Treatments Facing Legal Scrutiny

Recently, certain medical treatments have become subjects of legal scrutiny, raising concerns and prompting legal battles. These controversies have emerged due to various reasons, such as unexpected side effects, inadequate warnings, or alleged negligence on …

Medical Treatments Facing Legal Scrutiny

Recently, certain medical treatments have become subjects of legal scrutiny, raising concerns and prompting legal battles. These controversies have emerged due to various reasons, such as unexpected side effects, inadequate warnings, or alleged negligence on the part of manufacturers.

Examining some of these more prominent cases will help us understand the complex intersection of medicine and law. This will also shed light on the ongoing legal battles surrounding some of the recent medical treatments. 

This article delves into the realm of medical treatments under legal scrutiny, highlighting five notable examples.

1. Opioid Prescriptions for Chronic Pain

The legal controversies surrounding the use of opioid prescriptions for chronic pain have garnered significant attention in recent years. Over-prescription and misuse of opioids have contributed to a widespread addiction crisis and led to devastating health consequences. 

According to  CNN Health, the impact of the opioid crisis on individuals cannot be overstated. Over the past two decades, opioid overdose deaths in the United States have steadily increased, experiencing a notable surge during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

In response to their alleged involvement in fueling the crisis, pharmacy chains and drug wholesalers have reached settlements amounting to billions of dollars.

These lawsuits sought accountability for the alleged role played by pharmaceutical companies in promoting the widespread use of opioids and the resulting societal and individual harm. The legal battles aim to shed light on the ethical responsibilities of pharmaceutical companies and bring justice to those affected by the opioid epidemic.

2. Tepezza for Thyroid Eye Disease

Tepezza, a drug used for the treatment of thyroid eye disease, has encountered legal challenges due to allegations of unexpected side effects, particularly hearing loss. The treatment, designed to alleviate symptoms associated with the condition, has faced scrutiny as some individuals filed a Tepezza lawsuit claiming to have experienced adverse effects beyond what was initially disclosed. 

Ongoing legal proceedings aim to shed light on the alleged link between Tepezza and hearing loss, determining liability and seeking compensation for those affected. According to TorHoerman Law, numerous research studies have revealed alarming findings regarding the incidence of hearing loss, tinnitus, and other hearing-related issues among patients who underwent Tepezza infusions. 

Notably, recent studies, including one published by the Endocrine Society, have indicated that as high as 65% of patients reported experiencing hearing loss or hearing problems as a result of the treatment.

3. Transvaginal Mesh Implants

According to ConsumerNotice.org, many women underwent transvaginal mesh implantation as a treatment for pelvic conditions, such as pelvic organ prolapse and stress urinary incontinence. However, certain mesh devices were found to be defective, resulting in severe damage and complications. 

These complications include persistent pain, infections, organ damage, and autoimmune issues. More than 108,000 lawsuits have been filed by affected patients in the United States in response to these issues.

These lawsuits claim that the manufacturers failed to provide adequate warnings about the potential risks, exhibited negligence in product development and testing, and produced defective designs. The litigation sought to hold the manufacturers accountable for the harm caused to patients and to seek compensation for the damages suffered.

4. Essure Birth Control Device

Essure is a permanent birth control device inserted into the fallopian tubes to block them. It consists of two coils made from a nickel-titanium alloy, that goes through the cervix and into each of the two fallopian tubes.

Forbes Advisor notes that between 2002 to 2017, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) received over 26,700 reports of adverse effects associated with the Essure birth control device. As a result, the FDA took regulatory action by compelling Bayer, the manufacturer, to conduct further clinical trials starting in February 2016. 

Subsequently, in November 2016, a prominent warning, a “black box,” was added to the product, highlighting potential complications. 

Lawsuits have been filed against Bayer with allegations of inadequate testing, failure to adequately warn about the risks and potential complications, and product defects. These legal actions aim to hold Bayer accountable for the alleged harm caused by the Essure device and seek compensation for the affected individuals.

5. Metal-on-Metal Hip Implants

Patients who received metal-on-metal hip implants have reported cases of implant failure, metal toxicity, and subsequent health complications, such as pain, inflammation, tissue damage, and mobility issues. 

Lawsuits have been filed against manufacturers, with allegations ranging from inadequate testing and design defects to failure to provide sufficient warnings about the risks associated with these implants. 

Plaintiffs argue that manufacturers should be held accountable for the physical and financial hardships they have endured as a result of receiving these implants. The legal proceedings aim to address the alleged negligence and seek compensation for the affected individuals.


These legal battles aim to hold manufacturers accountable for the harm caused to patients and seek compensation for the affected individuals. As the legal proceedings continue, it is crucial to monitor developments and outcomes to understand the implications for both the healthcare industry and the individuals who have experienced adverse effects. 

By examining these cases, we gain insight into the importance of patient safety, product liability, and the pursuit of justice in healthcare.

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