What Link Building Strategy Constitutes Of?​

SEO relies heavily on links. As a result, link building should be a key component of your SEO strategy. However, link development should be a component of your overall growth strategy. Because it can assist …

Link Building Strategy

SEO relies heavily on links. As a result, link building should be a key component of your SEO strategy. However, link development should be a component of your overall growth strategy. Because it can assist you in increasing traffic and attracting new visitors to your website.


When a site writes the URL of another site in its content by hyperlinking it with some keywords, then it is called backlinking.


Because it is not under your control but under the control of other sites, this is an off-page SEO technique. It was clearly stated by Google that backlinks are counted among the top factors in the ranking factor of any site.


Let’s understand from the example, suppose there are 2 websites p.com and q.com in which site p has an article on a topic on which another website has shared good and detailed information on q.com. Now website P can give a link to website Q in its article by writing in short, so that if anyone wants to know that topic in detail, then they can read by going to website Q.


By doing this, both the websites P and Q benefited. P’s readers got good information which increased their trust in that website and Q got extra traffic and also benefited from Google Because the websites which get more backlinks are considered authority sites and are ranked higher in the search.


Apart from this, even if you use any other website’s image, video or any content directly, you should still give it a link. This also counts in the backlink.


Benefits of Link Building


Internal links and content are undoubtedly the most essential two factors for every website, according to Google. But if you understand the process of this ranking in detail, then the following advantages of link building emerge:


  • Route to Google: When Google comes to crawl the site page, it will go to crawl site Q after seeing the link of Site Q in the content of site P. Without internal links, it is near impossible for Google to find your site.


Google can take years to find your site, especially if it is completely new. Because in the sea of ​​countless websites, it is impossible for Google to crawl on every single website.


  • Routes for Users: Just as links make a way for Google, in the same way, they also divert users from one site to another. Users can access your site via a link provided in the middle of a site’s content. Users may not be able to find your site if there are no internal links.


  • Guarantee of good content: The content of the sites on which you will reach through backlinks will be good. Because those sites with unique and informative content receive more backlinks. No one prefers to link to sites with fake content. So internal links in a way also build the trust of the user on your site. Make sure you are offering quality content and for that don’t forget to do an SEO keyword audit service.


How should the links be?


It seems to understand that every internal link will benefit our site in the same way. But this is not true, every backlink is different, and there is no general benefit with all links, but many links can cause harm instead of profit. Let’s take a closer look at the quality of good links:


  • Not quantity, but quality: This is something you might have learned in every SEO technique. It is preferable to have links to a few large sites rather than a large number of small sites. There is no benefit in linking with small or weak sites. Apart from the quality of the site, the second main point is how you add anchor text to your site.


While reading the line containing the anchor text, it should not appear that the keyword has been forcefully entered to create the link. If there are 1-2 anchor texts in each line, then the quality of the content is lost. So, if at all possible, place the links in accordance with the content; otherwise, avoid them.


  • Which page: Just getting the link does not end the work. Keep track of which pages of your site have been linked from another site. Is that a homepage or a product page? Is your page user friendly? Somewhere it doesn’t ask to log in? Is there good content on that page that can give some useful information to the users?


  • Which Keyword: Also keep in mind which keywords have been hyperlinked by other sites to your site. Do those keywords properly represent your site or your content? Have you used that keyword in your article as well? If users arrive at your site by clicking on a word, yet your content is unrelated to that word, you have deceived them, and their trust in your site has been lost.


  • How much risk: The site from which the link is being received, check all the details of that site thoroughly. If their content turns out to be duplicated, then Google can also evict them from the SERP as a punishment. You absolutely would not want your site to be on the same list, so always choose reputed sites for links.


  • LinkResearchTools: There is no specific or fixed mantra for the ideal link. This is a subjective technique according to each site. Any type of link can benefit one site and harm another site at the same time. You can use the Link Research Tools for help.



A great link-building plan should always strive to attract a targeted audience to your site. You’re doing it the ‘correct’ way if you think of link building as a technique to reach out to other websites in order to increase traffic to your own.

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