The Amazon FBA Optimization Basics

Selling through Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) can be rewarding and take a lot of stress out of being a seller. With Amazon helping take care of things like shipping, storage, and customer service, you can …

The Amazon FBA Optimization Basics

Selling through Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) can be rewarding and take a lot of stress out of being a seller. With Amazon helping take care of things like shipping, storage, and customer service, you can focus on your product. At the same time, the competition is fierce. With multiple sellers competing for limited real estate, being seen on Amazon is an added challenge that can affect sales as much as the product itself.

Below some tips are drawn from that experience to help you optimize your FBA business.

Sweating the Small Stuff

A good product is really just the start. You need to have one, of course, but once you do, everything else goes into convincing the customer that your product is, in fact, good enough to buy.

This starts with a good, high-quality images. This may require hiring a professional, but if that’s out of your budget, there are some basics to consider.

Show off all angles of the product. Don’t leave a prospective customer with unanswered questions – you never know what part of the product will fill a specific need.

Product Description

Good copy complements this. Your description needs to concisely convey what your product does and how it does it. A bulleted list is the easiest way to accomplish this. Not only does it allow you to summarize the important product features easily, but it’s also easily digestible for the reader its best to use product search tool for amazon to identify top selling & popular products.

Product Key Features description

Most importantly, remember to take the customer’s perspective into consideration. While you have an extensive understanding of the features and benefits of the product, the customer does not and may not even know what’s important to consider. Taking the guesswork out of the equation makes it easier for a customer to make a decision, separating you from competitors who may be less clear.

Ranking for Keywords

Of course, all of this is only good if someone can find you, and that’s where good keywords come in. But simply stuffing keywords into a product listing isn’t going to do the trick. It requires both research and organic writing. Where to start?

There are numerous tools to help find the best-ranking keywords. It’s important to remember that people will be searching for your product, and they expect to find something relevant to their search. This means that the keywords need to not only be high-ranking but also need to be high-ranking in a way that relates to your product.

Finally, there are hidden keywords and search terms, which give you a further opportunity to be discovered.

Ultimately, it’s about finding the right mix of discoverability and information to allow customers to find your product on Amazon, then having the listing gives them the information they need to make a purchasing decision.

Proper Pricing

Proper pricing will require a lot of tracking, both of your buyers and your competitors. The first step is to understand where your competitors stand, especially in relation to each other. This creates the foundation for your pricing strategy and where you want to fit into that landscape. At the same time, tracking buyer behavior can inform not only what your pricing should be but also how you’re viewed relative to your competitors.

Getting Reviews

One of the things you have the least control over, but a crucial part of running an FBA business, is reviews. Reviews not only help create visibility within Amazon, but they also create social proof, which tells other customers that this product delivers on its promises. However, getting people to leave reviews can be challenging, especially since people are more likely to leave reviews when they’re upset than when they’re happy. So, what can you do to get more reviews?

Stay in contact with customers. A simple follow-up email can do wonders, especially if it’s personalized as opposed to a generic email from Amazon.

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