Business Valuation Services Singapore

Company Valuation & Business Valuation Services Singapore Everything You Need For Business Valuation In Singapore Valuation is a vital component of business.  Our team in Singapore offers extensive experience in the valuation of small businesses …

Business Valuation Services

Company Valuation & Business Valuation Services Singapore

Everything You Need For Business Valuation In Singapore

Valuation is a vital component of business. 

Our team in Singapore offers extensive experience in the valuation of small businesses and their ownership interests across a wide range of industries and sectors. We take pride in our ability to perform complex financial analyses that are essential in providing detailed valuations that meet our clients’ expectations. Our services include:

Business Valuation Services: Company Valuation – All Business Valuation

Business valuation is an appraisal exercise that determines the economic value of your company. This includes the asset approach, the market approach, and the income approach. 

Business Valuation Services

Business valuation is the procedure or process of deciding the economic value of the business or company. A business valuation can be used to ascertain the fair value of a business for a variety of reasons, including sale value, establishing partner ownership, taxation and even divorce proceedings.

  • There are plenty of reasons you may need to give your business a valuation:
  • If you want to sell your business
  • Find A Valuation Services Company

The three most common types of business valuations are:

Asset Based: 

This method is based on the worth of the company’s assets. It is often used to find the value of a construction company or a manufacturer.

Income Based: This method looks at how much money the company generates and multiplies that by the number of years it will continue generating profit.

Market Based: This method looks at the sale price for similar companies in its niche. You can use this method to obtain a rough estimate of your business’s value. 

Accounting offers business valuation

3E Accounting offers business valuation, share valuation and asset valuation services. Our valuations are based on the latest guidelines, and are trusted by many clients in Singapore and around the world. Our valuation services are endorsed by companies, banks, law firms, accounting firms and investors. We have a team of qualified business valuers who can assist you to value your company or assets.

Business Valuation Services

Our business valuation services provide you with an independent and objective assessment of the market value of your business or intangible assets. 

  • Corporate Action
  • Gainful Employment Pass (GEP) applications
  • Initial Public Offering (IPO)
  • Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A)
  • Private Equity Fund Raising

Our business valuation services help you determine the true worth of a business.

Business Valuation Services

Our business valuation services help you determine the true worth of a business. 

 With us, you can rest assured about getting a comprehensive report about your company’s worth.

Why Business Valuation?

Business valuation is an analysis of various aspects of a business to arrive at an appropriate price tag that reflects its actual market value.

A business valuation is an assessment of your company’s value.

– Buy/sell agreements – A business valuation will determine how much the business is worth should an owner wish to buy out another or sell their share of the business.

– Divorce proceedings – A business valuation will determine how much a spouse’s share in a business is worth as part of a divorce agreement.

– Gifting/succession planning – A business valuation will determine how much a gift of shares in a business is worth for tax purposes.

– Business acquisition – A buyer will have the company valued before purchasing it to ensure that they are making a good investment and not paying more than the company is worth.

– Partnership disputes – A business valuation will determine what each partner’s share in the company is worth when there are disputes between them and they wish to liquidate their interest.

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