5 Benefits of Sagittarius Crystals for Energy and Balance

If you talk to an astrologer about Sagittarius crystals they will tell you it is a gemstone that can assist in balancing the Sagittarius personality’s extremes. Working with these Sagittarius crystals can assist the eager …

Talk to astrologer

If you talk to an astrologer about Sagittarius crystals they will tell you it is a gemstone that can assist in balancing the Sagittarius personality’s extremes. Working with these Sagittarius crystals can assist the eager and energetic Archer in maximizing her favorable features while balancing her more demanding characteristics. You can talk to astrologer if you need further assistance more about it…

5 Sagittarius Crystals and Their Use

Sagittarius is a fire sign ruled by yang energy and changeable quadruplicity. All of these facets of the Sagittarius sun sign contribute to a Sagittarius’s qualities and attributes, as well as her abilities, motivations, and desires. This provides Sagittarius with distinct obstacles, which gemstones can assist with. Please keep in mind that Sagittarius crystals are distinct from Sagittarius birthstones.

  1. Moonstone: Stone of the Traveler

Sagittarius is well-known for her restlessness; she yearns for adventure and is drawn to travel. However, Sagittarius’s distracted and dreamy disposition might make her prone to accidents, which is where moonstone comes into play. Moonstone is commonly referred to as “The Traveler’s Stone,” as it protects all sorts of travelers from danger.

To protect yourself when traveling, slip a piece of moonstone inside your handbag, backpack, or even a pocket. Additionally, you may wear it as a ring or pendant.

  1. Aquamarine: A More Delicate Mode of Communication

Sagittarius is a strong communicator with one significant flaw: she has a propensity toward extreme bluntness in verbal communication, which, although accurate, can create wounded sentiments. As a result, aquamarine is beneficial to a large number of Sagittarians. It is a blue-green beryl stone comparable to emeralds that aid in the promotion of better communication by balancing the throat chakra, which is the energy hub of communication, and the heart chakra, which assists in infusing her words with more loving compassion. Aquamarine also symbolizes the element of water, which can aid in balancing the fiery sign of Sagittarius.

  1. Shungite: Stabilizing and Grounding

Sagittarius is noted for being a little irascible and very forgetful. This is frequently the result of a lack of foundation; Sagittarius lives with her head in the clouds. Due to its strong stabilizing and grounding characteristics, shungite, a black gemstone, is the ideal remedy for this.

Wear a shungite bead as an anklet or put a sliver of shungite in your pants pocket to work with shungite to anchor Sagittarius. Additionally, you can sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor and hold shungite in your receiving (non-dominant) hand, visualizing roots extending deep into the earth from your feet.

  1. Rhodochrosite: Assists in the Maintenance of Long-Term Relationships

Sagittarius is a well-known commitment phobic, not just in relationships, but in general. It is not that Sagittarius is incapable of falling in love or is unwilling to commit; rather, she sees so many options in the universe that it is difficult to pick just one and commit to it. This can be difficult for Sagittarians in their romantic relationships, which is why Rhodochrosite is an excellent stone for Sagittarius. It is a stone of devotion and dedication that can assist Sagittarius in settling into a long-term romantic engagement.

A bracelet or lengthy pendant with a Rhodochrosite crystal in it is the ideal solution for working with Rhodochrosite to build relationships and commitment. Wear the crystal pendant on a long chain that cascades over your heart. Additionally, you can wear a Rhodochrosite ring on each hand’s ring finger, which is typically connected with commitment.

  1. Howlite: Forbearance

Sagittarians (and other fire signs) have a reputation for being impatient and occasionally short with others. Howlite is a stone that promotes patience by promoting calm and assisting Sagittarius in realizing the influence of her actions on others.

Spend 10 to 15 minutes each day meditating with the Howlite stone in your receiving (non-dominant) hand. Additionally, you may carry a piece of Howlite in your pocket or as earrings.

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