What Makes A Patient Qualify for LASIK Laser Eye Surgery?

There have been massive turnarounds in the lives of millions who have undergone LASIK eye correction as they testify of being able to see with their natural eyes free from aids. From myopia, hyperopia down …

Qualify Patient For LASIK Laser Eye Surgery

There have been massive turnarounds in the lives of millions who have undergone LASIK eye correction as they testify of being able to see with their natural eyes free from aids.

From myopia, hyperopia down to astigmatism, refractive surgery proves effective for these conditions. But is it enough that you have these issues and automatically get a LASIK? No.

The eye surgeon has a lot of considerations to make before declaring a patient fit for LASIK eye surgery. There are conditions to be met before you can get LASIK and its 6 other effective alternatives.

You have healthy eyes generally

The presence of eye injuries and diseases does not encourage the use of laser eye surgery. These conditions need to treat or reduce to a manageable extent before one can start considering LASIK. In cases where you have dry eyes, cataracts or infected eyes, the eye specialist will consider resolving these problems earlier than or together with the LASIK laser eye surgery.

Your prescription range for visual aids fall under some limits

There are patients that do have prescription ranging from -8.25 to -24.00 and above. Before now, very serious cases of astigmatism, myopia and hyperopia could make a patient unqualified for non-temporary refractive surgery. For instance, when nearsightedness is chronic, plenty of corneal tissue will be taken out. This heightens complication risks and brings result prediction low.

Thankfully, these days more options abound for as many as need them. It is just about getting to the right place. The number of clinics offering LASIK is not much. We are one of the few providing LASIK and its 6 other effective alternatives. Following how advanced these procedures are, they work for those whose prescription is high, people with thick or thin corneas, steep astigmatism, visual impairment associated with age that is not treat by LASIK laser eye surgery.

High prescription is sometimes best treated with Implantable Collamer lenses (ICLs).

You have a stable vision? That’s no longer a requirement

Before now, it was difficult to get LASIK or other refractive treatments for cases where the patient’s prescription was not stable. But today, a treatment like refractive lens exchange (RLE) plus other procedures makes it possible to address the changing vision problem using the refractive solutions at our clinic.

No pregnancy, no breastfeeding

The hormones released during pregnancy have an impact on the entire body; the eyes are not exempted. When there is a pregnancy, the non-permanent eye changes could mean the time is not right to have a vision correction treatment that is permanent.

Have we mentioned medication? Oh yes, the meds recommended for recovery post LASIK including antibiotics or steroids may be too risky for the baby. This is why laser eye surgery is not recommended for mothers that are nursing babies or pregnant. Please reconsider eye treatment for another time after weaning your baby. Overall, consult your specialist about pregnancy and laser eye surgery.

You have achievable expectations

A good number of patients who get LASIK experience amazing visual results. It gets so profound that they are able to enjoy screen time, reading, outdoor sports and lots more without using contact lens or glasses. This may not be the same for everyone. And so, your expectations following a laser eye surgery should be realistic – the extent to which your vision will be corrected should be achievable. Also, know the risks associated with surgery, the imminent side effects and complications of the procedure. Armed with this knowledge, you can be mentally ready for an outcome.

But it’s better to relate very well with your eye surgeon so you can be best informed. Your doctor should discuss all the risks and pros of the surgery for which you are eligible. Be sure that at your first appointment you speak with your surgeon. Make certain that they are full-time workers at your chosen clinic. And yes! Ask questions; the best you can do is learn all you can about the procedure. Good questions worth asking include:

  • Does pain come with LASIK laser eye surgery?
  • What’s the pain management plan for surgery?
  • How much time till I recover post LASIK?
  • Is a 20/20 vision a guarantee? (Tip: there is no guarantee in medical practice)
  • Will I get long-lasting results after my laser eye surgery?
  • Does LASIK have common side effects? What are they?

Your lifestyle choices may also affect your eye condition. We advise you discuss this critical area and any concerns you have with your specialist.

What age qualifies me for LASIK laser eye surgery?

When there wasn’t enough enlightenment about vision correction, one of the limitations was the age of patients. Yes, there was a benchmark for getting refractive treatment as per age. However, the narrative has changed today. Thanks to advancement in tech, it is now possible for adults to have vision correction to be able to see clearly. That said, there are those who may not get this treatment. So first things first, get an eye surgeon to examine your eye extensively. This way you will know if this treatment works for you.

Is there an age that would stop me from getting LASIK?

No. The only condition for laser eye surgery in older adults is having healthy and stable eyes. The difference though between treating an older patient and a younger patient is the method that will be used.

At the age of 40, the ability to see nearby objects begins to diminish. At this point, reading glasses becomes a necessity. The condition present at this time is called presbyopia (hazy near vision). It accounts for why it is no longer easy for one to clearly see screens, read books or materials that are close.

Refractive lens exchange (RLE) is an alternative option to LASIK surgery. This procedure works for both near and long distance vision correction in the two eyes. Aside these are other alternatives. The bottom line is that your eye specialist will tell you about all the options and choose which will be perfect for your eyes.

What happens if I’m told I can’t get LASIK?

You need not feel hopeless because you have been told LASIK is not for you. Many others have been turned down but didn’t stay down. Even here, there are times we tell patients they can’t get LASIK. Everything is subject to change. Technology and options in surgery may see a new shift from the time you were considered ineligible for LASIK eye surgery – the last surgeon you have visited may not have accepted you for LASIK though you had chances of being suitable.

The point is seeking confirmation elsewhere should you still be keen about this procedure despite initial denial. If LASIK itself doesn’t work for you, who knows if one of the other 6 alternatives may work?

Here at The LASIK, we provide LASIK surgery and the entire 6 alternative treatment. What does that mean for you? It implies that it’s possible you may have a refractive eye surgery from the options that are available regardless of not qualifying before now.

But you can be sure of being a good LASIK candidate by booking an appointment with us to know how you can see clearly without visual aids. To get more information about LASIK laser eye surgery, still give us a call or come around and certainly we will tell you all you need to know about this wonderful life-changing refractive surgery.

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