The Truth About Comment Backlinks – Do they Still Work?

Do you still see comments as a crucial part of your blog’s success? Or have you given up hope that they still have any effect on your site’s search engine ranking? The answer, of course, …

Do you still see comments as a crucial part of your blog’s success? Or have you given up hope that they still have any effect on your site’s search engine ranking? The answer, of course, depends entirely on your personal expectations. If you’re looking for an easy way to boost your blog’s search engine ranking, then yes, comment backlinks are still beneficial.

If you prefer a more natural approach that will lead to gradual improvement over time, however, the answer is as simple as no. In this post we’re going to explain everything there is to know about comment backlinks and why they don’t work anymore.

If you want to build quality backlinks that work in 2022 then you can hire Miron Digital. However, let’s learn more about commenting!

What are Comment Backlinks?

Comment backlinks are links to your blog’s posts that come from other sites’ comments on those posts. Like regular links to your blog’s posts, these “backlinks” to your blog’s content are visible from the outside world. They also have the advantage of linking to your blog’s content directly from other sites.

That means anyone viewing the linked content will be able to find it easily thanks to the link’s inclusion in the original source’s post. Comment backlinks are a relatively recent phenomenon and their popularity is currently on the rise. While backlinks to your blog’s posts are nothing new, comment backlinks are a relatively new, but growing, SEO strategy.

Why Don’t Comment Backlinks Work Anymore?

The first thing to note is that comment backlinks don’t work because they’re not supposed to work. The point of this type of link is to get as many people to link to your content as possible, not to rank as highly in Google as possible. Comment backlinks are meant to act as a source of “link equity” for your blog.

When you use other sites’ comments to link to your blog posts, you’re essentially saying: “Hey, anyone who sees this comment should also click the link above it!” Unfortunately, the reality of the situation is that most comment backlinks don’t work. That’s because most comment backlinks aren’t created by genuine webmasters, they’re spam. Spammers create fake comments or use other sites’ comments to link to other sites’ content because this tactic works—it gets their links seen and increases their backlink authority.

Commenting vs. Blogging

Comment backlinks are both a form of and a reason for blogging in a very focused way. Your posts should ideally be of the highest quality possible, but they should also be short and to the point.

Your goal is to create the best possible content for your readers and then make it easy for those readers to share your content with others. You do this by writing excellent posts (and posts with excellent backlinks) that people want to share.

Commenting and SEO

You may not be aware of this, but commenting on other people’s blogs is an incredibly good way to get your content linked to by those other people. The reason is simple: people are more likely to link to your content if they like it.

The more they like what you write, the more likely they are to share your work with others. The best way to make other people like your posts is to comment on other people’s posts. You’re more likely to get your content linked to by commenting if you follow the commenting guidelines outlined by Google (you can use Disqus or Publish).


Comment backlinks are a useful way to get your blog’s posts linked to by linking to those posts in other people’s comments. Comment backlinks are also a good way to improve your site’s SEO thanks to their link equity in other people’s comments.

When it comes to comment backlinks, however, most of them are fake and don’t work. That’s because most comments aren’t posted by genuine webmasters. The good news is that genuine comments are much more likely to work.

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