The Car Cosmetologist

The car cosmetologist is a company that offers professional interior cleaning of your car. At Xn–, they make use of HBC systems. Which help to ensure that the cabin the trunk. And the seats in …

The car cosmetologist is a company that offers professional interior cleaning of your car. At Xn–, they make use of HBC systems. Which help to ensure that the cabin the trunk. And the seats in your car are make perfectly clean. And that your car will thus appear delicious, clean and inviting.

Founder Erik Hoberg Andersen went for several years and tinkered with both his own, family. And friends’ cars, until one day he decided to make a company. Where he could work professionally with his great passion for maintaining cars cosmetically. The formation of Xn– in the year 2006 thus became. The beginning of a journey that has always been about giving cars the best care.

In the beginning, Erik Hoberg Andersen performed the work at his private address. While at the same time taking care of a daily job. The car cosmetologist thus took place in Erik Hoberg Andersen’s own garage until 2011. After which he finally decided to quit his old job with the aim of being able to focus exclusively on the car cosmetologist.

A lot has happened with Xn– since its formation back in 2006. As time went on, more customers came and the company grew enormously. The fact that the company increased in popularity also meant that Erik Hoberg Andersen back in 2015 could no longer manage to handle all the tasks himself, and he therefore hired his first colleague in the company. The team behind Xn– today consists of four full-time employees, two in flex jobs, one student in afternoon jobs and one school student as a sweeper.

Xn– is a company with many happy and satisfied customers, and which has also received fantastic reviews. Among other things, the company has achieved an overall score of 4.6 stars out of five possible through their customer reviews on Facebook.

The car cosmetologist has skilled employees and their expertise enables them to perform a wide range of tasks in the field of car care. At Xn–, they have a large selection of different treatments for your car, including engine washing, polishing, paint sealing, interior Rengøring af bil and body washing.

Xn– is a good and skill company. which on Trust pilot has received good reviews and with their score of 4.7 stars out of five. It is a company with fully satisfiy customers. In addition to their two treatments, the popular Quick Clean and up polishing, they also offer a treatment called steam washing for your car.

Xn– steam wash is a thorough cleaning of your car, which at the same time cleans and prepares your car in a safe and efficient way. One of the great advantages of steam washing is that it is environmentally friendly because on average only two to four liters of water are used. If it is set up against a normal car wash, where between 100 to 200 liters of water are used each time, then many liters of water are saved by a steam wash. In addition, steam washing is extremely gentle on your car and you are sure that there will be no scratches or wear and tear from machines.

Many forms of car care can be difficult to perform properly if one does not have the right equipment. At Xn–, they have all the correct and necessary equipment, such as the right soft brushes for, among other things, delicate varnishes and foils. In addition, they have the correct knowledge of how the various treatments should be performed, as well as which treatments will be the best solution for the car, depending on the situation.

The formation of Xn– in the year 2006 thus became the beginning of a journey that has always been about giving cars the best care.

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