Best Advantages of MBBR Wastewater Treatment

Wastewater treatment solutions have become the most significant moves to filter waste water, whether fighting the growing shortage of drinking water or finding better water sources for wastewater.  It is generally acknowledged that membrane bioreactors …

MBBR Wastewater Treatment

Wastewater treatment solutions have become the most significant moves to filter waste water, whether fighting the growing shortage of drinking water or finding better water sources for wastewater. 

It is generally acknowledged that membrane bioreactors have several advantages over other wastewater technologies. There is always the right choice, and there are several factors that you need to consider. But in general terms, MBRs include:

1: It allows uncoupling of both HRT and SRT.

2: Produces a high-quality effluent.

3: Have a small footprint.

4: Provides better bio-treatment. 

Read Some Of The Best Advantages of MBBR Wastewater Treatment

1: Efficient And Practical

The term MBBR stands for Moving BED Biofilm Reactor. It is a highly-effective biological treatment process that was developed with the benefits of both suspended growth and fixed film biological processes. However, this process allows the system to be operated at high organic loads with less sensitivity and to shock loading in pH. 

2: Compact Dimensions

Different water treatment systems indeed demand ample space for Moving Bed Bioreactor wastewater. Besides, the treatment systems are also compatible with a small footprint and almost occupy ½ of the area that other conventional biological wastewater system processes require, such as activated sludge or SBR. 

3: High-Quality Effluent

The small pore size of the membrane means that the treated effluent is of very high clarity. And it can reduce pathogen concentration when compared with the CAS process. On the other end, MBR processes provide you with a substantial and disinfected effluent of high quality to be discharged to sensitive receiving bodies. These applications include urban irrigation, utilities, or toilet flushing. It is also of high-enough quality for feeding directly to a reverse osmosis process. 

4: Small FootPrint

Although, the retention of the solids in the reactor and the increase in SRT generate higher biomass solids concentrations and impact the plant footprint. Also, the increased concentrations mean that the same total mass of solids is contained in a smaller volume, so the print is smaller. 

5: Better Bio-Treatment

The longer solids retention times mainly tend to provide better biotreatment overall. The conditions encourage the development of slower-growing micro-organisms and specifically nitrifiers. MBRs are especially effective at the biological removal of ammonia nitrification. 

While MBR technology is not always the best wastewater treatment solution, it can sometimes be a bit more expensive than other solutions. MBRs are rapidly increasing and becoming the technology of choice for water and wastewater applications where high-quality treated water is required or where space is limited. 

It has now been implemented, and the global market growth rate has increased up to 15% and regularly in various market analyses. Confidence in the process still appears to be increasing as the number and size of the reference installations grow further with the number of plants. 

Although a few established global players dominate the market, the number of technology suppliers continues to expand. Similarly, the technology itself continues to undergo development, and the module products are available in the market today.

6: Lower Hydraulic Retention Time

Hydraulic retention time mainly refers to the bioreactor’s amount of time to effectively treat the waste water influent. Thanks to the combination of the moving carriers with the highly concentrated biofilm. 

HRT is short for these moving bed bioreactor systems when compared to others. Typically you only need a few hours based on the organic load. 

7: Respond To Load Fluctuations

Many other treatment methods, biological or otherwise, need to be diligently monitored for load fluctuations. In this way, dosages may be adjusted accordingly. And with the help of MBBR, it is unnecessary for changes that aren’t considered significant. It can naturally adjust slightly to accommodate for different volumes, concentrations, and contaminants. 

8: Lower Sludge Production

The biggest issue when dealing with wastewater is the resulting sludge after specific processes. And the biological systems are no different. However, MBBR is a fixed film system, and nothing is being added to the effluent, so the produced sludge volume is smaller than in additive biological processes. 

9: Less Area Required

Thanks to the large inner surface area of the plastic carriers and the high bacterial concentration of the biofilm, moving to bioreactor units are more compact. And it can occupy less land area rather than other biological treatment systems. 

10: Improved Setting Characteristics

However, this can be an issue in specific other biological treatment systems. Still, MBBR systems and their combined fixed film ensure that the solids settle well, with little to no turbidity in the supplement and low water content in the sludge. 


Several technologies have been practiced for centuries and are being used for filtering waste water in industrial and domestic sectors. The term MBBR is the art of process of purifying wastewater by using a specialized biological technology process. 

However, this treatment can be utilized in both municipal and industrial sectors for nitrification, BOD removal, and water purification. This treatment system can also be integrated with the other methods to achieve higher containment removal performance. 

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