A Guide To Using Coloured Contact Lenses

Everyone likes to wear colored contacts every now and then. Whether you wear them when it’s a special occasion or in day-to-day life, taking care of your contacts properly is integral to ensuring that their …

Everyone likes to wear colored contacts every now and then. Whether you wear them when it’s a special occasion or in day-to-day life, taking care of your contacts properly is integral to ensuring that their quality is maintained and they last a long time. No one wants to spend money over and over again. It’s a waste of money and resources. This is why it is important to take care of your things the first time around.

Your eyes are sensitive organs. Aside from that, it’s a fact that they are the organs you use to see, a crucial sense to help you navigate the world. Hence it is a sense that must be taken care of. Using contacts improperly and without precautions can pose a serious threat to your eyes as they can cause infections and loss of vision.

Thankfully, all that can easily be avoided by following a simple few guidelines.

These guidelines include.

How To Wear Coloured Contact Lenses

Wash Hands

Before you proceed to touch and take out your contacts, it is very important that you make sure to clean your hands with soap thoroughly. They have to be free of any dust, dirt, or contaminants to reduce the risk of causing any eye infections.

How To Deal With The Lens Case

Prior to wearing your lenses, your lenses should be kept in a lens solution in their case overnight. They should be wet to ensure ease of application, comfort, and correct function.

If your lenses are dry, they pose a higher threat of cracking, and once they break, they can cause damage to the eyes.

How To Insert Coloured Contact Lenses

The insertion process is the same as that of any other lens.

You have to hold the lens in your thumb and index.

The size that bulges out should be placed on the tip of your index, and the side that cinches in should be exposed to the air.

Use the thumb to balance or hold it in place if it starts to slip out or fall.

Stretch your eye open with your other hand.

Now gently place the lens onto your pupil and iris. Hold it in place, and then let go of your lower eyelid first.

The lens should have joined itself in place by now. You can blink a few times to make sure it has adhered correctly. Make sure you can see right and that the lens rests comfortably in the place it should be.

Once you are sure of that, repeat the same procedure on the other side.

How To Store Lenses After Use

Once you are done with using the lens throughout the day and are ready to take them out, you need to follow a set of guidelines to ensure that your lenses are stored correctly.

Take your lenses out of your eyes and cleanse them thoroughly using the lens solution. You can do this by taking the lenses out and placing them in the palm of your hand. Then dowse them in lense solution and rub them delicately with your index finger to clean.

Once you have cleaned them, open the lens case that has been issued with your lenses and keep your lenses in them.

Pour in an appropriate amount of lens solution to keep your lenses submerged in the liquid.

This solution

The lens solution is a saline solution to help keep your lenses hydrated. Do not try to substitute the lens solution with water because it will damage your lenses.

How To Choose The Right Lenses

Depending on the results you’re going for, you should look into the types of lenses that would do the trick for you.

This is also important to consider because not every type of eye lens can mask your eye color.

Opaque tint lenses are popular and known to look the most natural. They are known to work with dark eye colors as well, which makes them a safe option for everyone.

On the other hand, if you happen to already have light-colored eyes and want to darken the color, you can try grey-colored contact that can help shade your natural eye color.

Of Course, you can also choose dramatically different eye colors and change your look completely as well with colored contacts.

However, before you get these coloured contact lenses, you should discuss this with your doctor and get them prescribed.

Top Tips For Wearing Coloured Contact Lenses

Here are some extra tips and tricks you should know for wearing contact lenses

  • You should wear your lenses before you put on makeup. This is because wearing lenses can often be a process that can irritate the eye.

Even when you are used to it, it is not uncommon for eyes to easily get irritated by lenses being fitted in. This causes tears to form. These tears, unfortunately, will ruin the makeup you have already applied and will waste your time, energy, and cosmetic products.

This is why it is always a better decision to wear lenses before you put on makeup, so even if your eyes get slightly irritated temporarily, it doesn’t ruin anything

  • Do not use your lenses for longer than the period recommended by your optician. This is to ensure that your lenses do not cause any damage to your eyes.
  • Do not share your eye lenses with anyone. Not only is this unhygienic, but it can also lead to infections and other problems. This is why it is best never to share your eye lenses with anyone.
  • Whenever you are inserting lenses, have a routine to insert lenses in the same eye first each time. That way, you can never confuse the lenses together.


Hopefully, after reading this guide, you will now be aware of all you need to know about using coloured contact lenses safely. Not only this, but by using the proper recommended guidelines, you can make your lenses function more effectively and last longer.


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