Chetana Raj’s death in Kannada How safe is fat reduction?

Chetana Raj, a 22-year-old Kannada actress, died from post-operative complications after undergoing “fat removal” surgery at a private hospital in Bengaluru on Monday. Her parents have subsequently claimed that her death was caused by medical …

Chetana Raj

Chetana Raj, a 22-year-old Kannada actress, died from post-operative complications after undergoing “fat removal” surgery at a private hospital in Bengaluru on Monday. Her parents have subsequently claimed that her death was caused by medical malpractice. However, given the common procedures gaps, such as the obligatory pre-assessment of pre-existing medical issues. One must be mindful of the risks connected with such operations.

Dr Pinal Shah, a bariatrics counsellor at KD Hospital in Ahmedabad for the last 12 years, offers light on the surgery, its necessity, and associated risks: When it comes to fat removal surgery, a thorough pre-operative check-up is just as important as strict follow-up and a healthy diet regimen, says Dr Pinal Shah, bariatrics counsellor at KD Hospital in Ahmedabad.

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What exactly is fat removal surgery?

There are two forms of fat removal surgery: bariatric liposuction and aesthetic liposuction. The goal of bariatric surgery is to lose weight while also treating weight-related diseases or co-morbidities. It is indicated when diet and exercise have failed to manage a person’s body weight. Or when a person has substantial health issues due to excess body weight. Certain methods restrict the amount of food you may consume, while others operate by decreasing the body’s capacity to absorb nutrients. Some techniques provide both functions.

While bariatric surgery has numerous advantages, all types of weight-loss surgery are substantial operations with severe risks and negative effects. In addition, to assist assure the long-term effectiveness of bariatric surgery, one must make permanent healthy modifications to one’s diet and engage in regular exercise. It is possible for persons with a BMI of 40 or greater (extreme obesity) and substantial weight-related health issues such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, or severe sleep apnea. Even severely overweight, you must follow specific medical rules before getting surgery. You must go through a thorough screening procedure to check whether you qualify.

On the other hand, Liposuction is a fat removal treatment utilised in cosmetic surgery that is mainly geared at aesthetic goals. Cosmetic fat removal surgery is performed with local anaesthetic, while bariatric surgery is performed using general anaesthesia. In both circumstances, pre-operative examination must be quite comprehensive to prevent difficulties later on.

What are the dangers of fat removal surgery?

The most common consequence in cosmetic fat removal operations is embolism, or the development of blood clots, which may be deadly. In the case of bariatric surgery, the operation has a 2% risk of complications, which is considered modest. There are two kinds of complications. One is caused by anaesthesia, which may result in lung clots and, in severe cases, a heart attack. This is potentially fatal. Other issues might cause sleep apnea.

The second form of complication is caused by a staple-line leak or bleeding. Which begins with symptoms of fever and vomiting and may be deadly if the bleeding is extensive and not monitored. While a patient may be released within 48 hours following bariatric surgery. A careful 21-day follow-up is required to verify there is no staple-line leak.

Nonetheless, a complete pre-operative examination is required for cosmetic or bariatric surgery. For example, if a patient with interstitial lung disease is operated on without adequate preparation. Water might accumulate in the lungs. Even if the operation is successful, the patient must live a controlled life to not burden. The system and guarantee that benefits are received.

The material in this article is provided for educational purposes only and is not meant to be a replacement for professional medical advice. If you have any concerns about your health or a medical problem, always seek the advice of your doctor or another trained health expert.

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