Virtual Volunteering in India During COVID-19

COVID-19 has profoundly altered the way we live. In an unseen and unknown circumstance, we are striving and fighting for survival. To keep contagion at bay, we must adhere to social distancing rules. Lockdown and …

virtual volunteering in India

COVID-19 has profoundly altered the way we live. In an unseen and unknown circumstance, we are striving and fighting for survival. To keep contagion at bay, we must adhere to social distancing rules. Lockdown and limitations were imposed in cities around the country to restrict citizens’ freedom of movement. Online education is becoming more common in schools, and businesses are encouraging people to work from home. More than ever, the globe needs volunteers to help those in need. As responsible citizens, we must seek new and innovative ways to provide virtual volunteering in India during COVID-19.


COVID-19 Virtual Volunteering Opportunities


NGOs daily run the social cause programs like Awareness of COVID 19 worldwide and people participate in a large amount. People have ground to a halt as the disease spreads rapidly across the country. The frontline Corona warriors are the medical team, the police force, and the onsite volunteers. They are putting their lives on the line to aid in the healing and treatment of individuals who have been infected. However, a strong support structure is required to guarantee that their work runs well. 


For COVID-19 Virtual Volunteering, 


  • A lot of backend planning is require.
  • Areas are being map to aid disaster response.
  • Infected people’s contacts are being track.
  • Organizing isolation center setup.
  • Medical supplies, PPE kits, face shields, and other items are all track.
  • Organizing food for corona warriors and those who have been quarantine or secluded.
  • Fundraising for a variety of purposes.
  • Creating protocols and procedures for contactless communication.
  • Organizing and distributing humanitarian supplies to those in need.
  • Helping senior citizens with their shopping needs to keep them inside.
  • Donors are need to keep orphanages and assist living homes open.
  • Masks are distribute to the homeless.
  • Corona, social distancing, and safety precautions are all being promote.


With a PC, laptop, or tablet and a decent internet connection, you can coordinate these virtual volunteering techniques from the comfort of your own home. By blogging on popular sites, uploading videos to YouTube, trending on Twitter, producing insta-stories, and more, you may help disseminate awareness and information on social media.


Aside from COVID-related activities, there are numerous methods to make a difference in society. Because of the ongoing corona issue, everyone is affect in some way.

Make a difference in their lives by donating your time and utilizing your skills and passion:


  • Assist a community school in setting up an online education program.
  • Read a story to children with special needs
  • Create audiobooks for those who are blind or visually impaired
  • Handmade masks knitted by women from economically disadvantaged backgrounds should be promote and sold
  • As exports and interstate transportation movements are impact, assist farmers in selling their produce in the local market
  • To keep youngsters engaged, create video tutorials on a variety of themes such as art, music, cuisine, and more


However, there are numerous ways in which you might make a difference in the lives of others around you. Virtual volunteering in India, on the other hand, is a platform where non-profits, companies, and people may post and explore a plethora of virtual volunteering opportunities across the country.


The Final Word


However, Offering a variety of virtual volunteering opportunities, on the other hand, is one method to ensure that members discover at least one activity in which they feel comfortable contributing. When most people think of volunteers, they see a team or community group cultivating a garden, reviving a neighborhood park, or painting a vibrant mural at a school. Thousands (if not millions) of residents are engaged in virtual volunteering in India utilizing their computers, the Internet, and even their smartphones.

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