Privacy‌ ‌Policy‌ ‌-‌ ‌9xmovies‌ ‌App‌ ‌ ‌

The 9xmovies app is a blog site that not only provides useful content on digital marketing, technology, lifestyle, celebrities and the latest news, but also provides readers with well-researched facts and data. 

9xmovies App Privacy Policy 

Reader and visitor privacy is a top priority for our 9xmovies App blog site. We have carefully created our privacy policy with keeping the privacy of our readers in mind. Our website’s Privacy Policy provides information on the processes and circumstances under which our website collects, uses, stores and discloses information in order to provide better service to our readers. 

If you engage on our website in any way, such as the website, mobile apps, subscriptions to email services or other services, the privacy policy of our website will be applicable to all these areas. 

This data collection enhances the overall experience of our readers on the website and makes their stay on the website worthwhile. Our team at 9xmovies App are committed to delivering the best results according to the needs of the readers while protecting their privacy and not sharing or leaking their information in any way. 

One thing that readers should always be aware of is that our website’s privacy policy extends only to internal links on our website. The privacy policy of 9xmovies app does not apply when the readers and visitors follow external links or click on ads present on the website. 

Data Collection Protocols 

The data collected through our website will be used to provide a better reading experience for our visitors. When you visit our website or contact us voluntarily, our priority is to treat your information carefully and protect your privacy. 

When a user creates an account on our website, they are asked to provide some of the basic information. This voluntarily provided data and information is collected from our website and is used only for betterment of our services for the user. 

The information that is collected through the form when you are creating an account on the website usually includes basic information like your name, address and contact information. It is to remind the users that they are free to refuse providing any information over the website and discontinue using the website at any time. 

You should always keep in mind that the information you provide on our website is provided with your consent. You can withdraw from the website at any time if you do not want to provide the information. 


Almost all websites use cookies. Cookies are very important in collecting data and tracking visits to our website. We use cookies to try to provide you with a better browsing experience on our site. 

Cookies are used to provide your favorite content on each website and to provide you with a more customized browsing experience. Using cookies, the websites are able to provide you with more precise and likable contents. 

Third-Party Websites

Every website is linked with various third-party advertisers and websites. 9xmovies App privacy policy is not applicable when you are redirecting your visit to other websites that are linked with 9xmovies app. 

If you are using any of the linked third-party websites, it is our duty to inform you that the privacy policy of that particular website will be applicable. 


When you visit our blog site, 9xmovies App, you are providing us with your consent for the stated terms of our privacy policy and agreeing to the data collection protocols of our website. 

Contact Us 

If you want to reach out to us for any query, feel free to contact us at

Last Updated: 19th May 2024