Great Tips to Boost your IELTS Exam Preparation

With the increase in the number of students migrating abroad, the number of candidates appearing for the IELTS exam is also increasing. However, some of them need to quit their dream of studying abroad because …


With the increase in the number of students migrating abroad, the number of candidates appearing for the IELTS exam is also increasing. However, some of them need to quit their dream of studying abroad because of less band scores in the IELTS exam. The reason behind this is a lack of exam preparation and an inability to speak, write and understand English. 

As we all know that minimum band scores required to study abroad are 6 and 6.5 depending upon the university/college you are enrolling in. So, it is crucial to boost your IELTS exam preparation as well as your English language abilities. Well, this can only be done if you follow a systematic and well-planned study schedule. In this article, we have jotted down some wonderful tips that can help you prepare perfectly for the IELTS exam. Well, if you are waiting to book a slot for the IELTS exam, you can visit the official website of the exam conducting authority and apply for a suitable IELTS exam date.

Go through the below-mentioned tips to upgrade your IELTS exam preparation: 

  • Vocabulary 

A plethora of test-takers think that vocabulary plays a crucial role only in the speaking and writing section of the IELTS exam. Let us tell you, vocabulary is significant in listening and reading as well. Suppose you are listening to audio and encounter any word you are unaware of. Would you be able to comprehend what the speaker said? Obviously not! You may fall into a trap. The same can happen in the reading section if you are unable to understand the passage because of some unfamiliar words. So, make sure to improve your vocabulary to intensify your overall band score. 

Read and listen to English as much as you can. After that, jot down all the unfamiliar words and learn their proper meaning, pronunciation and spelling as well. To enhance your vocabulary quickly, you can also learn the synonyms and antonyms of the words you have jotted down. Don’t just learn, make sure to use them in your daily conversation for better understanding. 

  • Improve your listening skills

Listening skills can help you understand the conversation with English speakers. Otherwise, you will end up being confused and may fall into a trap. Thus, marking an incorrect answer will lower your IELTS band scores. So, make a habit of listening to English everyday. Either listen to your favorite English songs and podcasts or watch English movies. Apart from it, try to solve listening tasks by downloading mock tests from the web. It is better to first solve the test and then analyze your performance by reading the script of the audio. When you read the script, it will help you know where you made a mistake and which thing was unable to understand while attempting the test. This will allow you to put your efforts in the right direction to make improvements.

  • Enhance your reading skills 

Reading speed is not enough to develop your reading skills. You need to focus on critical and analytical thinking, vocabulary, spelling, skimming, scamming and time management skills as well. Make a habit of reading everything and learn to understand the gist of the passage on your first reading. This skill will save a lot of time and you don’t need to read the whole passage again. If you fail to understand something in between the passages, it’s okay to move further. Your objective is not to grasp the whole passage, your purpose is to answer each and every question correctly within a time frame. So, you can follow the skim and scam technique to go through the whole passage and highlight important details, keywords and main ideas. Make sure to attempt answers conjuring the rules and regulations and don’t forget to check the spelling before submitting your sheet. 

  • Upgrade your writing skills

To improve your writing skills, you need to be updated with current affairs topics and then write out your thoughts in your own style. Apart from it, reading an extensive range of English content can also benefit you a lot. When you indulge yourself in reading books by various authors, blog posts, articles and novels, you will get an idea of sentence framing, vocabulary, grammar and even different writing styles. Moreover, gaining knowledge and improving vocabulary go hand in hand with improving your writing skills. 

  • Improve your speaking skills 

You can only improve your speaking skills if you speak English in your daily life. So, try to involve yourself in social debates and discuss random topics with your friends and siblings. Apart from it, deliver a speech in public and give yourself a pep talk to boost your confidence. During your speaking test, make sure to extend your answers rather than answering just ‘yes’ or ‘no’.  Avoid fumbling by speaking at a natural pace. It is imperative to use an extensive range of vocabulary but avoid using complex words you are unfamiliar with. A little mistake or incorrect pronunciation can make you feel uncomfortable and you may lose confidence. Apart from it, give your personal opinions rather than cramming answers. 

Are you ready to appear for the IELTS/PTE exam? If yes, then book a slot for the upcoming IELTS/PTE exam date from the official website of the exam conducting authorities. 

Wrapping up: 

To wrap up, the right study strategy is the only way to amp up your IELTS exam preparation. So, follow the above-mentioned tips to take your IELTS exam preparation in the right direction and perform exceptionally well in the IELTS exam. 

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